Friday, August 6, 2010


So I went to bolscon last weekend and had an absolute blast. It was great getting to meet all the different bloggers and players I know from around the interwebz. I had actually already gotten to meet darkwynn because we played each other in Chicago at the Ard boyz finals two weeks prior to this event.

I really couldn't decide which army to bring. I was stuck between my usual Nob biker list which was fully painted. And my kans which was completely unpainted. I had such great success with the Kan list at ard boyz that I figured I would submit the kan list in. The only problem was.... I had one week to get a 2,000 point army painted. I eventually cranked out every last model and was up late the night before finishing the last boyz. For having speed painted the army it turned out to look pretty damn good.

So the list I decided to take was a toned down version of my ard boyz list.

Big Mek, kff
Big Mek, kff
Lootas x10
Lootas x10
Lootas x10
Shoota boyz x25, Nob, PK, BP, and Big shoota x2
shoota boyz x11, Nob, PK, BP, and a rokkit launcha
Trukk, Ram
Gretchin x13
Deff dread, CCW x2
Deff dread, CCW x2
Rokkit buggies x3
Rokkit buggies x3
Rokkit buggies x3
Killa kans w/ rokkits x3
Killa kans w/ rokkits x3
Killa kans w/ rokkits x3

And the list turned out to do pretty damn good. It got me 8th place and I was more than satisfied. Especially because all of my opponent were great guys. and about 6 of the 7 had tough as nails list.

I was playing on table 2 in round 6 and of course I go up against my local arch nemesis TPM-bloodangel from over at spikey bitz. We both knew from the get go that who ever had first turn was going to win the game. So he ended up taking half the primary and we both got full points for the secondary and tertiary. That bumped me all the way down to table 6 for the last round and bumped him down to table 3. No matter how far away we are from home (Atlanta), we always seem to play each other. Pauls a great guy and I really enjoy all of our games. Not to mention he's pro at the game. I ended up scoring a lot of points down on table six which is what bumped me to 8. Can't complain!

I really liked how this list performed and it gives me the take "all-comer" feel which my nobz obviously did not *Cough* pysker battle squad *Cough*

so thank you BoLS crew for running a fantastic event and I will be back next year for sure!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

New to Blogging


I'm an avid Warhammer 40k player and i've finally, after much consideration, decided to make a blog. I thought it would be nice to help others. Because to be honest, I've learned everything I know about 40k from blogs, not forums.

I first started playing 40k about a year and some change ago. Just with a few of my buds in a basement. We were all noobs and terrible at the game and then I began to win the majority of our games due to picking up some awesome tactics over at Fritz's Way of Saim Hann. Exodite eldar (Lots of jetbikes) being my first army really made fritz's tactics work perfect.

I eventually branched out and started playing at my FLGS and getting some "outside the basement" experience. I entered my first tournament shortly there after (Ard boyz round 1 09) and was playing on table 1 for the third game. I ended up in fourth place due to the people on lower tables jumping me, but this really gave me a feel for the competitive side of the game.

I later fell inlove with orks and as my knowledge of the game and the dirty list and tactics (Thank you YTTH and BoLS) invloved increased my tournament skills did as well.

So look forward to army list, tactics, battle reports, and anything else that might be on my mind!